
  • XJ-HBL150W High Bay Installed in Serbian Theater

    XJ-HBL150W High Bay Installed in Serbian Theater

    Product NO: XJ-HBL150W-2

    In a Serbian theater, our customer sought energy savings and excellent light distribution. We replaced traditional lights with XJ-HBL150W LED High Bays to meet these needs. The project involved installing lights in two rooms with different lux requirements: warm white high bays were used outdoors, while cool white high bays were installed indoors. This setup created an immersive musical atmosphere, enhancing the audience's experience by enveloping them in a sea of music.

  • XJ-HBL150W High Bay Replacement for 600W Metal Halides in Germany

    XJ-HBL150W High Bay Replacement for 600W Metal Halides in Germany

    Product NO: XJ-HBL150W-2

    In a German workshop, we were shocked by the poor lighting conditions shown in pictures sent by the customer. Workers were operating in a dimly lit environment under outdated 600W Metal Halides, which had significantly degraded over the years. Concerned for the workers' well-being, we prioritized this project to improve the lighting conditions.

    Initially, we used XJ-HBS200W High Bays for the Dialux calculation, but the lux levels were higher than needed. We then tested the XJ-HBL150W High Bays, finding them to be the perfect solution. The new lighting setup resulted in up to 75% energy savings and greatly improved illumination. The customer was extremely satisfied with our efforts and the project's outcome, which provided a safer and more efficient working environment.

  • XJ-HBL High Bay in Warehouse, Russia

    XJ-HBL High Bay in Warehouse, Russia

    Product NO: XJ-HBL150W

    In a Russian warehouse, we replaced outdated MH lamps with XJ-HBL150W LED High Bays. The original lighting provided very low lux levels, making it difficult for people to work effectively. The customer wanted a one-to-one replacement, so we conducted a professional Dialux calculation to meet their lux requirements using the highly efficient XJ-HBL150W High Bays.

    The customer was very satisfied with our calculations, and after the installation, they achieved 63% energy savings and double the lux levels compared to before. The end user was extremely happy with the improved lighting and significant energy savings.

  • XJ-HBL High Bay in Dubai Seafood Market

    XJ-HBL High Bay in Dubai Seafood Market

    Product NO: XJ-HBL

    In a seafood market in Dubai, high lux levels on the floor were essential. After thorough discussions with the customer and multiple Dialux calculations by our engineers, we provided a solution that met the requirements perfectly. The end customer was very happy with our solution, as the well-distributed and comfortable lighting created an inviting shopping environment. This helped customers save time in selecting the healthy food they needed, enhancing their overall shopping experience.